Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I successfully put in my first catheter today...and it was on a female.
Now, if you are familiar with the male and female anatomy, you can imaging how difficult it is to put in a females...lol
My first try ever in extended care I failed....well just because the catheter size was too big, and even the RN couldnt get it.
This time I was well prepared. I did put it in the wrong spot first try ;)....but that is why you bring 2 to the bed...hehe
So second time I made it!!!
I am soooo happy and proud. It is not an easy task. Now I can feel more confident to do it again, after succeeding once.
I saw my classmate do a male...its rather easy ;)
I have only 2 more days there...I am happy for the reason I am getting tired of the same old as we are not full scope, but I scared that this means I am sloe to the end and preceptorship.
I have 4 days off...time to get all the presents wrapped...and pack some more.
Brandon has been awesome doing so much when he was home and I was working.
Hope you are having a good weekend :)
Posted by Andrea at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Kids and Wii boxing
Yup they can enjoy the Wii too, and its good exercise! they love the boxing. It is so cute to watch:)
Posted by Andrea at 8:15 PM 3 comments
I had to miss today at clinical..no babysitter, both of mine were sick! What are the chances lol.
It was ok with me, I had a great day yesterday. Got to do some new skills.
It is REALLY quiet on the until too. only 16 out of 25 beds are filled. And we do not take care of unstable patients, so I think it will be slow tomorrow to unless we get admissions.
After tomorrow I only have 2 more days at st pauls. I cant believe it.
I am really nervous for preceptorship. I just dont feel like I learned all I was supposed to unfortunately.
BUT the nurses keep telling me you learn the most your first year of work...so I will keep my mind on that!!
I was telling a nurse about my first experience with a patient dying. She said the nicest thing to me. She told me she believes there is a window of time when people can pass. And they choose when. She said he must have chosen to go, because he was comfortable with the care I was giving him. May not be true, but it is nice to think of :)
I am going to try and wrap presents tonight...and make 4 necklaces I have on order :)
Brandon is going to poker.
I got to the post office late to mail packages for christmas out. I apologize if they do not get to you in time!!! (Alyson, Sharon, Mike). But they are in the mail :)
Been packing away too. Getting rid of a lot. I have bins and bins of kids clothes to go through. I am only keep favorites and going to get rid of excess. I have wayyyy toooooo much. And you know when the next babe comes, he or she will get new things too :)
So I think we have decided that Arianna and James are going to share a room in the new house. This room is huge, its the games room (has a door) so I am going to do boy side and girls side. this way they can have there own space, but it frees up the other 2 rooms upstairs. One will be our spare room and the other...nursery? lol...well not now but one day...hehe
Then if the baby is a boy or girl, we will swap the other kid out when its time to have a boys room or girls sharing room.
perfect dont you think?
This room is big enough for both beds, furniture, and toys.
It has a sink area, which we will take out and replace with a wardrobe. I am not sure if it has a closet or not...hmm
either way we will make do...my parents have a wardrobe in the basement I am sure I can use :)
I am excited to move...start somewhere new...more suited to us...that has a yard.
I cant wait to paint and make it our home :)
thats all for now...almost bed time here...better go!
Posted by Andrea at 7:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 09, 2007
End on a postive
I made it through week three, and things have really gotten better. I finally had a day where I felt total comfort and confidence in what I was doing.
It may have to do with the fact that I am constantly bugging my instructor to teach and explain things :) She even says she doesnt think she is the boss! haha
Anything for my education!!!
I also had my midterm evaluation with her. And I am very proud to say that I got all EXCEEDS standards :) I guess she can really see my hard work and dedication to the profession. I am really proud of the challenges I have overcome.
I still feel this clinical site is less than ideal, but I really have tried to make the best of it. I am still faced with the challenge of bitchy nurses who think students are idiots. There seems to be one every shift that just tries to bring you down. I had on incident first thing in the morning when I misunderstood what she had told me about doing the patients vital signs. She did her best to let me know I was wrong...and stupid. The funny thing is in the long run she NEEDED them done...so was trying to be super nice to me after lol...and you know what, in the long run is it really bad to check someones vital signs and extra time?? I mean, there is no harm. Its not like I am stickin in a catheter LOL.
2 more weeks left there....wow. Then its almost time for my last learning. My preceptorship. Things are going waaaaayyyyy to fast! eeeek.
Today, it is snowing. Just some light stuff, not supposed to last, but it sure does look pretty. I am going to stop by with the kiddies and visit my mom. She had her surgery, but is doing good. Then we are going to watch pats hockey game and go to the new house. We want to get some measurements..and I want to get some paint ideas and count how many light fixtures I need to replace haha. My brother and his wife are coming for dinner and some games (Wii) so it should be a good night. Will chill a bottle of thier wedding wine I have stashed away.
Time to feed the kids and get dressed. Been a lazy morning. Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by Andrea at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sad day
My resident passed away. He was 98 and lead a great life.
I was there just before he passed.
I saw him right before...it was hard for me.
I changed his wound dressing
And then he was gone.
I did post mortem care.
I had to put him in the bag, and put a tag on his toe.
I had to bring him to the morgue.
I had to see the other bodies
I had to smell a smell that I will never forget.
I dont know how I feel
I want to cry
I need to be strong
I am so very tired and my head is pounding
I pray for his sister and son during this sad time
I am happy I met him and cared for him for 2 weeks.
I made a difference during his last 2 weeks.
I can be happy about that.
I am proud to be a nurse
Posted by Andrea at 9:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
Happy Birthday
It was a great one :) It was snowing!
I had a nice day with the family. The kids played out in the snow for a long time. We came in and had nice warm chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and hot chocolate.
I got spoiled with a nintendo wii. It is soooo fun, I love it.
We had an early dinner and ice cream cake at my parents, as I had to leave for the concert.
The Spice girls were soooo great. It was money well spent. I am so happy I went!!!
It was a mostly perfect day. Looking back now, I am bothered that a couple people have forgotten to even wish me a happy birthday. Is a birthday not your one special day of the year, where the people close to you or in your family should at least make the effort to send an email or post a message. I REALLY think so. This to me just solidifies how I have been feeling lately about these people in my life. Time to let go, so I dont get bothered by such things as this. I wont make the effort. I just dont think it is fair.
Anyways, I am glad to have come to this realization and I feel better. :)
It is raining like crazy now after the snow. I am sure the roads are huge puddles. I have to go into school for an hour, then have a few errands to get done.
I am just about done my christmas shopping.
Brandon and I are just going to pick one thing we really want for christmas....knowing what it is lol. With the new house on the way, I would rather get some things for it later.
I think power tools are on the top of his list, and at first a cappachino maker was on mine...but not sure, as they are pricey if you get a good one (self cleaning is a must)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, cards and messages. Truely appreciated :) I had a wonderful birthday!!!
Posted by Andrea at 7:52 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
Oh my...
Posted by Andrea at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Day 3
Still sick...and tired lol
But today was a bit better. I realized yes, I will not be getting the exact experience I should, but the times where meds are being given are the times where I may get to do extra skills.
Besides that I am really not enjoying the experience. It is so sad.
I am going to give it another week, and then talk to the school. First weeks are always hard.
I am going to move up to 2 patients.
My next one is going to challenge me. He has ALS, non verbal, requires tube feedings 3 times a day with water flushing before and after, turning every 3 hrs as he is getting a pressure ulcer, suctioning in the mouth, Has an IV and O2, vitals 3 times a day...
it is going to be hard, and I am nervous.
I feel like my instructor is expecting us to know everything. She does not spend as much time teaching. I feel lost. And then she criticizes us for things, when she isnt even there to help or teach us....or doesnt even know what we have or have not done.
It is reall frustrating
I am sick, so things are probably bothering me more then usual.
I am just disappointed.
Marie, with no meds we have more time for skills. (we pick up tasks from other RNs like wound changes, blood sugars etc.) But it still sucks.
If any other your classmates for to mount st josephs or st pauls they will have the same. (I dont think anyone is going to st pauls though)
Well, enough of that, I have 4 days of to recharge.
First showing today...first offer coming in a 9am tomorrow!! haha
BUT they want the house asap.
Can we really move in 2 weeks???
I dont know.....
I have babysitting set up until Dec 21, so I dont really want to mess with that as she is right near me here....kinda out of the way....hmmm I dunno.
It better be a good offer. will update tomorrow!
Posted by Andrea at 7:22 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Day 2
My throat is killing me still.
I made it through another shift. And I am super tired.
there is NO way at this stage in the game, that I could work 12 hr shifts.
We have been getting off early.
We really have nothing to do by the afternoon.
We got jipped on the location as we are not allowed to do meds. That is half our job at other hospitals. So we really have nothing to do!
It kinda bothers me, as I am not getting 100% off the experience I should.
I am worried for preceptorship when I have to manage my time with meds! I really hope I have a good nursing staff to work with.
The nuring staff at st pauls is great...so friendly and helpful.
Our instructor is nice....but very relaxed. I hope she teaches more.
I am interested to see how the next couple weeks go. I am going to take all opportunity I can to seek out learning.
Today I got to flush my first G-tube (tube into stomach) and administer 02. Vitals are routine every day.
Showing on our house tomorrow...lets cross our fingers they buy it haha
Posted by Andrea at 7:37 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Day one
Today I had my orientation at the acute care ward at St Pauls.
It was eye opening. It is in the downtown core of vancouver and has its share of interesting people.
I am very overwhelmed and still nervous about the days to come.
Am I really ready for this?
I got my first patient assignment, and as of saturday he is my responsibility.
Tomorrow I have one day of shadowing.
He is 98. Wow.
I will keep you posted on any nursing skills and things I get to do for real...no more dummies in the lab.
My instructor is super. I think she will be a great teacher...and super nice to let us off early some days...(like the day before my birthday! hehe) Dec 1 is a saturday so I can maybe see my friends...And on my birthday its the Spice Girls...yahoo.
The commute downtown is not as bad as I thought. It takes me an hour and a half total. Some days I will be home in time to see the kiddies right before bed.
Oh of course, one day at the hospital and I am getting a cold. My throat is killing me. I will need to wear a mask with my resident if I get worse.
I already have to wear a gown and gloves all the time...so I may as well get fully decked out lol.
I bought some cold effects and vitamin C and am battling this cold as we speak! hehe
Time to go and attempt to eat...all I had was a small coffee and soup all day.
I think this clinical is going to be a diet haha...not to mention I have to walk uphill from the sky train station lol
Cant say I will be complaining ;)
Posted by Andrea at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Getting Close
The school part is officially over. I still cannot believe I do not have to do any more homework or study...well not studying until I start getting ready for licensing exam...and its a big one. 6 hours I think....
Anyways, its an amazing feeling. I am so amazed at what I accomplished so far over the last 9 months.
I created great bonds with students and instructors and am going to miss them a lot.
It is great timing to be done, considering our house is up for sale. Yup, we are going to move.
We found a house in the area I have dreamed of living but didnt think we could afford it....but a house came on the market that was in our price range...and was perfect.
Granted, it needs some cosmetic updates, unless you are a fan of wallpaper? hehe
But with some paint and new light fixtures it will be perfect.
The yard is really big and private...huge trees in the back.
It has a hot tub and sauna...want to come for a dip?
I could rave on about it and the neighbourhood, but the deal is not done yet. Our offer was accepted, but now we need to sell our house first. We have 60 days.
I spent 7 hours straight cleaning this place. It is house-showing ready :)
It kinda echos when its this clean haha
Now to keep it clean...haha
I am off 4 days a week now, so that is wonderful.
I start on thursday this week my clinical in acute care.
I am not really sure how this will go. On one aspect I have been told I will see some interesting things.
BUT LPNs at this hospital are only starting to be full-scope. Meaning right now some units they do not do medications.
And I am going to one of these units.
We are the last LPN group going there until all the changes are done.
But, an LPN job is 70% meds. you give them every 2-3 hours to many clients. It take up alot of your time.
So take that away from us, and what are WE going to do??
the other groups will be doing meds.
I know once you do meds, its all the same really. I guess I will miss injections :) hehe
I guess I am just nervous I wont be as prepared for preceptorship.
I am just nervous overall, as I dont feel ready to be a nurse...and in just a few short months I am done all together.....eeeek
Thats all thats new from here! It is nice to be home with my babies again.
Speaking of babies, my friend Cathy has welcomed her 6th child yesterday!
She welcomed another beautiful girl, this makes number 5! And one boy.
Welcome to little Courtney! I hope to meet her sometime.
Gives me the baby itch ;) hehe
Posted by Andrea at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
I am finishing my final week of school coming up, and things are stressful. I have 4 exams. Yuck..
I am beyond tired. I have worked my butt of these last 9 months! I have one clinical let and then my preceptorship. That will take me to Feb!
I have a couple weeks off at christmas. :)
The schedule has been hard, and I am looking forward to picking and choosing when I work. Right now I have no choice, and am stuck doing 12 hrs in Vancouver.
I think my future will be 8 hr shifts at langley :)
It is a stormy day here...the power is flickering. I hope it does not go out!
Kids are good, getting excited about the holiday season, as we are reminded of it everywhere! hehe
Just need to get the shopping done. Going to go easy on the gifts this year.
Only a couple more weeks until the big 27 for me. I am going to see the spice girls on my actual birthday :)
Still waiting for my Cat scan appt. things sure do take forever. My leg is no better. In the mean time I am going to start physio for it to see if some of the pain can be reduced.
We are going to look at a house tonight....we are still wanting to move. Just waiting for the perfect house...maybe this will be it lol.
I am not going to hold my breath ;)
Thats about all from here...wish me luck this last week!
Posted by Andrea at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Proud Moment
Posted by Andrea at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
This is what I am meant to do.
And it was verified to me today.
I am not allowed to share much, due to confidentiality, but I can share some things.
I was called out of class by my teached and the first aid insrtuctor/firefighter/paremedic (yes he is them all)...at first I was scared, thinking I was in trouble..haha...
It turns out, at girl in another class was not doing well, and they wanted to someone to help out.
I stayed with her for an hour, I was able to help her our medically and emotionally.
She confided in me and together we were able to figure out a cause and plan.
I was commended my instructors and the paramedic. He is even going to write a letter for me for my portfolio, as he was impressed. :)
When I left for the day, I almost cried. It was my first one on one (no clincal intructors or other nurses) to use my nursing skills. And I was trusted to do it.
I helped someone.
I made a difference.
This is what I am meant to do.
I will be a great nurse.
I can improve a situation for someone
I can be a mentor
I can listen
And I can be trusted.
Posted by Andrea at 7:05 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Another week
I cannot believe how fast my final semester has gone! Its kinda scary.
When I sit here and think about it, I am scared to be a nurse. I dont feel ready. I hope this next clinical gives me a good experience to prepare me.
As soon as I am done that, I have a couple week break then its right into my preceptorship. With that you are paired with an LPN, you start out watching them for a day, then take over 1 resident, then by the end you have their full load. So its all on you.
Does that not sound scary lol.
I am sure it works, cause this is how they all do it, it is just intimidating to think about now!!
First I have to get through my final case studies!!! I hate them.
Mine is on friday at 2pm. I get thursday off to practice. But I am also going to get my xray done that day.
If I can get through this week I will feel better. The rest I can handle lol.
I am going to St Pauls http://www.providencehealthcare.org/about_hr_stpauls_about.html
for my acute clinical. There is only 4 of us going! the other groups have 7. It will be nice to have a small group. This hospital is so well known for the education value, which you can read about if you go to the link there.
I am super excited. I hear they have an auditorium to watch surgerys!
All the hospitals were in Vancouver, so either way I was going. I am glad I got the teaching hospital now!
It is 3 days a week (thurs fri sat) from 730am to 730 pm. And only 14 days total..but those days I wont really see the kids :(
I think I have decided that when I look for work, 12 hr shifts will NOT be at the top of my list. there is hospitals that do 8 hrs (like langley) so , I will apply to those first. We all will be casual first at a couple places (but working as much as we want, as we all know there is a nursing shortage)
So I think I will apply at langley for sure...8 hrs :)
I have my exam prep guide already, and from what I read I am well on my way...have a decent knowledge base. I will be writing in May 2008.
Well besides work today, the kids have a birthday party at the little gym. It will be fun for them :)
Have a great week!
Posted by Andrea at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
something must be wrong
I am ill. For the last couple weeks I have been nauseated on and off all day, and most days I throw up. I am really at a loss as of why.
I thought it was my pain meds for my leg, but I didnt take any today and it didnt help. AND my leg was throbbing all day.
I am NOT preggo. lol
I really need to get my xray done.
I am worried it is all related some how...
not the time for this. I have case studies next week. I need to be on top of my game lol
the kids are reading together....so cute. Arianna is making up a story for James.
I love moments like this.
Time to enjoy.....
Send some get better vibes to me..I need them
Posted by Andrea at 6:29 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy Birthday James
This is my new friend "Ruffie". I made him at build a bear today with grandma. I picked out his name too :) He is my favorite friend.
James had a great birthday. A fun filled day with lots of sugar!!! hehe. He got a new little people christmas train set, a hot wheels car garage and a part for his geo trax train set. :)
Posted by Andrea at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
No more babies..toddlers...they a BIG kids



Posted by Andrea at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
This is why I hate banks
they declined me for an extension on my loan, when they didnt give me enough to begin with. There is something wrong when one cant get money in order to cover day care and school expenses only.
I am so upset. I cannot afford to make my last payment in december or pay the rest of daycare.
do they not realize it costs around $1000 a month to put 2 kids in daycare...and thats a cheap rate. thats what happens when you get no government help towards it.
No I have to figure out what to do. Waste time trying to talk to other banks.
This just ruined my day, I want to cry.
It is unfair!!!!
thats my vent for today.
I have my first test tomorrow at school. I do not feel prepared. And now my mood is ruined and I have to worry about the other problem.
I really want it to be the weekend...I get a long weekend!
James birthday is next week. SO sad to see my baby getting so big.
I had a Dr appt yesterday. I have been having tingling in my leg, and it goes kinda numb. Its always throbbing in pain. She gave me some stronger pain meds thank goodness.
And now I am going for an xray to look at my spine, and then eventually a cat scan. From what she said its to look for a tumor that may be growing in my spine pushing on a nerve or something.
And I should go to physio in the mean time.
I swear I keep getting things wrong with me. People are going to think I am a hypochondriac lol...
Well better go get dinner out of the oven.
Yes I get home from school every day at 4 and have to cook dinner..On top of getting A + in school, I better win student of the year LOL.....
thats all I have for today..and I think its enough haha
Posted by Andrea at 4:56 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Hard work
Once again I have little time to spend updating.
Term 3 is in full swing and its the hardest yet. I am working as hard as I can to stay ahead and study hard. This term will really prepare me for the LPN board exam.
The tests are supposed to be really hard this term. oh yay.
So once again my life becomes school!!!
James is birthday is coming up fast. He has a date with grandma to go downtown to build a bear and make his own creation lol.
Arianna did the same thing...she did a princess bear...
I wonder what James will pick...hehe
The kids got up way too early today. Arianna made her first appreance at 5!!!! yuck.
The weather here has turned to winter..which means rain, I think we even have a rainfall warning for today. Good day to study and playdoh for the kids :)
Still no word from the bank. Application still pending. I wonder if that is bad news....
Yes Marie, its crazy the amount daycare costs!!!
Tracy, send me your blog link again please. It is nice to hear from you. I want to hear about the new baby!! And life with boys!!! hehe
Well time to make some breakfast. A rainy sunday calls for bacon and eggs :)
Posted by Andrea at 7:47 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Posted by Andrea at 2:22 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm going to miss Grandma
this is what Arianna just said as Brandon left to take her to the airport.
We all enjoyed the visit. Did lots of fun things :)
Now the kids are both throwing up today....fun for me :)
I hope it passes soon!
We are having a lazy day at home. Both kids are back in their PJs. I guess I will start doing some pre reading from school! I have the next week off, I am sure it will fly by though.
I have the whistler pics, I will get those up later.
Thanks for everything Grandma, we had a great time. Come back soon!
Posted by Andrea at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
update- I know its been a long time
I think the 6 weeks in extended care really took a toll on me! I didnt want to do anything after work but lay around :)
It was overall a great experience. Some highlights were: injections, suctioning of a trach., attempt at catheterization (thats a story in itself...and NO it was not my fault it wouldnt go in haha)
I loved the residents, and enjoyed extended care more then I thought.
There was some drama with students, which sucked. It is so immature at times. I will be glad to be graduated so I can try and avoid that!! That is why being casual is a good thing ;) you can avoid the gossip!!
I have the next 2 weeks off. It is a nice break. This week is almost like my summer vacation...been doing some fun things! We hit the beach, the USA, and are going to whistler for the night tomorrow. I cant wait.
Brandons mom is here. We have had fun going places. The kids love having her here too. She spoils us :)
I am on the verge of getting a cold. yuck. I am trying to fight it off. James also has it...he sure get sick a lot.
James got a new bed (early bday present) It is so nice! he loves it, it has a slide on it haha. He is up in his room a lot now. He is getting so big!! And you can see how small her looks in the bed. But, it was time he got a new one as he was falling out of the other one all the time hehe.
I am getting ready for my third and final semester. I cant believe it! It is going to be a tough one as its surgery, maternity (yay cant wait! ) and pediatrics. I am in school for around 8 weeks and then its back on the job again in acute.
time is going by so fast!!
I need to get this school done, work some, pay some debt so I can have another baby lol...yup have the itch. It happened once James was potty trained.
thats ok I can wait. too much going on now I am easily distracted.
Well not much else new...sorry it took me so long (grandpa H had to call to remind me to update with pics)
I will post more now that clinical is over.
I will have some whistler pics this weekend
Posted by Andrea at 10:03 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
another week done. It is getting better as time goes...but also heavier! They add more residents and duties as the weeks go by.
On monday I will be 3 clients total care.
I gave my first injection on thursday! It was really fun lol.
A resident was having stomach pains and was vomiting. She was allergic to gravol, so I got to give her an IM injection of another drug to help stop it.
I have been getting practice on wound care....its fun, but not to pleasant to look at!
I have an excellent midterm review...with some exceeds standards :)
Arianna is just getting over being sick. No idea what was wrong, she just kept spiking fevers at night.
We are getting ready for Pats wedding. It is coming up sp fast. I had to take my dress in to the tailors to take it down...it was way too big.
It will look great when done!
Brandon was actually home a lot this weekend! That is a rare occasion. I was so nice to have sone family time. we went last night on a walk and picked black berries. apparently I am making a pie..lol
Have a great week!
Posted by Andrea at 8:00 AM 0 comments