Monday, August 30, 2010

One more week!!!

Where has summer gone??
I have to say this was the busiest summer for us in a long time. We did too much lol.
We just finished a week of hockey camp with James.
Now, it's time to get ready for the school year and all the after school activities we are doing. We have something every day after school!!!
I have been sick for the last 2 weeks. I had a brutal sinus infection. Liam ended up with something that was giving him fevers and making him miserable.
So, its been a long couple weeks.
I am still not 100% and I think my body is having a tough time recovering due to stress. There has been a lot of it here, and I don't see it getting better any time soon. I just need to find some way to cope and handle it...or else lol.
Nothing big planned for the last week. Just trying to get the kids to bead earlier and up earlier lol. Even Liam is used to sleeping in. Today we started the change. Maybe he will even go to bed earlier for me lol.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

James' Room

We finally caved and moved Arianna out into her own room. It was time.
We were tired of the bad bed times.
And come school time again, I dont want to be dealing with it
So, here is James in his room now that it's all his. Lots of room for him to build his trains now.
Here, Liam is stopping by in his walker lol

And here is Arianna in her new room :) she loves it. Wants it to be a princessy lol
She has a large bookshelf and toy shelf at the end of the bed on the wall not shown in this picture.

Both kids have slept great being in their own rooms :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer at an end

Only a few more weeks and we are back to school!

wow this was one busy summer for us. we did so much travelling. All went great and we had a blast though.
Arianna is now 7. Turning into quite the little lady! we spent her birthday weekend in Penticton.
Liam is doing well. Sitting up on his own well. and now has started walking when you hold his hands. He is no where near crawling, part of me wonders if he will ever crawl, and will be an early walker...hmmm my brothers walked between 9 and 10 months.
James is starting hockey camp next week. Get him ready for the fall hockey season :)
-I have been super sick. I am in need of some catch up sleep.
Just wanted to put a quick update on here.
I guess some pictures would be good too ;)
In due time..Nap time for Liam is approaching....