Monday, November 22, 2010

A few pics

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday James!

We celebrated James' 6th birthday on tuesday. We took him our for dinner to Montana's. He is having a costume Halloween party on October 24th with his friends...I think 13 lol...yikes.
Should be fun, I am planning on the fun and games now!
James has also been on his team for a week or so. He loves it. He is skating very well, he just gets puck shy I think lol. Too much pressure when you are in a game to perform, he misses the puck lol. too cute. I am sure we will see major changes to his game, as he is on the ice sometimes 5 times a week!!! I LOVE watching, so my thing :) Liam does too ;)
I have been busy on the PAC at the school. Just did my first newsletter that will be going home with all the kids today :)
I am also going to start planning for a school spring carnival! My idea, and I want to make it happen lol. I loved them as a kid, and want my kids to have them too :) So yes VERY busy mom, some days I swear I am out all day or cleaning up in the kitchen!!!
Here is some pics from the birthday day! He got his wish the slap chop and he got a bolt Wii game.

Dinner at Montana's

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Here are just a couple pics from recent. Liam being trained how to stand lol...he is too lazy to do anything on his own. James during hockey try outs. He is doing awesome. My little star! And big girl Arianna...need to take more pictures, we have been super busy, I have taken hardly any!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to school

The kids just finished their first week back in school.
They are both loving it, and James says full days at school are "awesome". :)
They are not yet in their permanent classrooms, that comes tomorrow. The school has to verify enrolment and all that before they put them in their classes for the rest of the year. Right now they are just places alphabetically.
I have to say I love having them both in school. That annoying half day kindergarten really limits what you can do in a day!!
Liam does way better on a schedule as well. His naps go after morning drop off and after school pick up, so it works great!
He also has been treating me to some real sleep lately lol. He went 730-5 the last 2 nights. I dont expect it to last but I will take it for now haha.

James started try outs for hockey today. I saw the man sitting with his paper scoring them on different things. They have to do this to make sure all the teams are even with skilled players.
I have to say I was nervous that James was going to be one of the weaker ones, because he was when he did his summer camp (he was in an advanced class with kids who had played a year of hockey already), but boy did he surprise me!
He did awesome. He was a strong one!! I guess being with the advanced kids really worked for him!!!
I loved watching him, I cant wait until he is on his team and playing :) :) :)

Arianna has started figure skating. She is having a ball. She has lots to learn, but it will be nice to watch her progression as well!!

Liam is 8 months and still not moving lol. He just sits and reaches lol. Well, he can move, in a circle!! He has no desire to crawl. he makes no attempt even close to it lol. He actually hates being on his tummy. He prefers being upright, jumping, standing or walking in his walker. (backwards only still too lol)

hmmmm. that is about all that is new here :)
Need to take some recent picture :s

Monday, August 30, 2010

One more week!!!

Where has summer gone??
I have to say this was the busiest summer for us in a long time. We did too much lol.
We just finished a week of hockey camp with James.
Now, it's time to get ready for the school year and all the after school activities we are doing. We have something every day after school!!!
I have been sick for the last 2 weeks. I had a brutal sinus infection. Liam ended up with something that was giving him fevers and making him miserable.
So, its been a long couple weeks.
I am still not 100% and I think my body is having a tough time recovering due to stress. There has been a lot of it here, and I don't see it getting better any time soon. I just need to find some way to cope and handle it...or else lol.
Nothing big planned for the last week. Just trying to get the kids to bead earlier and up earlier lol. Even Liam is used to sleeping in. Today we started the change. Maybe he will even go to bed earlier for me lol.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

James' Room

We finally caved and moved Arianna out into her own room. It was time.
We were tired of the bad bed times.
And come school time again, I dont want to be dealing with it
So, here is James in his room now that it's all his. Lots of room for him to build his trains now.
Here, Liam is stopping by in his walker lol

And here is Arianna in her new room :) she loves it. Wants it to be a princessy lol
She has a large bookshelf and toy shelf at the end of the bed on the wall not shown in this picture.

Both kids have slept great being in their own rooms :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer at an end

Only a few more weeks and we are back to school!

wow this was one busy summer for us. we did so much travelling. All went great and we had a blast though.
Arianna is now 7. Turning into quite the little lady! we spent her birthday weekend in Penticton.
Liam is doing well. Sitting up on his own well. and now has started walking when you hold his hands. He is no where near crawling, part of me wonders if he will ever crawl, and will be an early walker...hmmm my brothers walked between 9 and 10 months.
James is starting hockey camp next week. Get him ready for the fall hockey season :)
-I have been super sick. I am in need of some catch up sleep.
Just wanted to put a quick update on here.
I guess some pictures would be good too ;)
In due time..Nap time for Liam is approaching....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family Vacation

We are in Brockville Ontario right now visiting my husbands family. The time difference is 3 hrs ahead of home. It did not take the kids and I long to adjust, thank goodness, but I am sure going home it will be a nightmare lol.
Liam has not been sleeping the best....making for one tired mommy.
I think he is teething now too, which does not help.
I can't really blame him. He is not is his bed, his schedule is off by a few hours and there is so much so see here lol.
The weather has been nice. The first couple days were cool, followed by gross humidity, then a hot one. I love the heat.
Especially when there is an inground pool right in the back yard!
The big kids are spending hours in the pool a day. They love it. And I think now hubby has decided he wants a pool now too ;)
It is so nice to see the cousins. The kids are loving it, as they are all close in age. SO fun. It really is sad we are so far away.
AND that is is SO expensive to come out east. Something we cant do often sadly :(
I am enjoying having others help with Liam. But, now he likes to cry when mommy leaves the room. nice. lol
we were treated to a boat cruise around the thousand islands. It was beautiful...and sad that we could buy and island with a cottage for the price of our BC house lol.
we would love to one day be living on the waterfront.
we are headed to new york tomorrow to do some shopping then up to ottawa the next day.
the trip is going by way tooooo fast and we will all be so sad to leave.
well, better get back to the family :)

Thursday, July 08, 2010

matching brothers and Arianna and James dancing together...priceless :D

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another school year over

James has just graduated from Kindergarten :D I am so happy lol. No more half days. Just because it is hard to keep going back and forth to the school. Poor Liam has crazy naps. No consistency with this third baby.
We just returned from a 4 day trip to Edmonton. We went for my cousins wedding. It was an awesome getaway. I miss being close to my family there. It was hot and sunny....not like the weather here has been!
The wedding was beautiful Arianna is our little dancing queen.
Liam did great. The plane ride was only an hour and a half. Our upcoming trip to Ontario will be more challenging I am sure. I dont want to be that parent with the screaming baby the whole time. eeeek,
Plans for summer....

Like I said, Ontario trip if a few weeks.
Figure skating camp for Arianna in July.
Hockey camp for James in August.
Weekend trip to Peachfest in Pentiction the weekend of Ariannas birthday.

Otherwise, beach trips if the weather decides to turn to summer some time soon!!!

James and Liam are being baptized on July 4th....finally.

I joined the schools PAC next year...I am on the executive as Secretary.

Liam will be starting veggies as soon as I cook the carrots lol....I do all my own food.
He is sleeping WAY better...up 1-2 times from 9-7.
Happier during the day, but still loves to nurse on demand.
Rolling one way....he is slow at moving compared the others...because he hates being put down. I hate that!!!
He loves his jumpers...thank goodness for those.
He is 6 months old in a week. Can he start crawling please LOL.

Arianna has excelled in school. Very good at reading and math.
James started to decline when Liam came around. SO sad. I hope for grade one he will be back at his well bahaved, good mannered little boy again. :( Middle child syndrome, no longer the baby....enough said. It's not his fault. it will get better.

have some new family pictures. will mail out copies soon!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

almost 5 months

it is still busy here for me. my little man still demands my constant attention lol. I am happy he is getting bigger, give me a baby at 6 months id be happy lol. he is eating cereal now and loves it. cant get enough! I will try and write more later as he is on the boob now and I am typing one handed lol.

Friday, April 16, 2010

House of Sick

James is the culprit who always brings home the bugs from school. And of course it makes its rounds. This time he has been sick on and off for a month. The worst being this cough that would not go away. So off to the drs we went. He is now on an inhaler and antibiotics to clear things up. Liam and I have got a touch of it. Mine remains a bit in my chest and Liam still is snotty.

He is doing well. Much happier thank goodness. His favourite thing to do still is eat lol. He is 12.5 pounds and growing well. Dr says he is very strong with excellent head control for 3 more floppy head :) He sleeps on and off well. We will have some nights where he will sleep awesome then as soon as I share he goes back to not sleeping lol. So I have decided not to share when he blesses me with 6 hrs or more lol.

James is loving hockey and so am I! Liam does great when we go watch. James will start real hockey in september. Arianna is getting better at skating as well.

We booked a vacation for next march. Long time away, but at least it is something to look forward to. We are going with some friends from edmonton (and a bunch of their friends and moms). We are hitting the high seas for another cruise :) And I hope we can do disneyworld first!!

Nice weather is here, and I am looking forward to school being out lol. Only a couple more months! Hopefully we will get to do some fun things this summer.

Nap time is about over...laundry is calling....and kindergarten is about over.

Go canucks!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hockey Star

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Friday, March 05, 2010

8 weeks

Liam is now 8 weeks. And they have been some of the hardest of my life lol.
BUT, I am happy to say things are getting better.
slowly he is becoming happier and less work lol.
It helps to have the kids and Brandon to help when he is fussy for sure.
He does the same routine almost every night...sleeps 4 hrs, 3hrs, 2 funny.
For 8 weeks old and breastfed thats not TOOO bad lol.
But again, over time I am sure it will get longer.
He is growing like crazy. He has his shots next week, so we will see how big he is. He is in 3-6 months clothes and has been for awhile. My others were no where near his size!
Spring break is here. 2 weeks this year.
The first week I am on my own, but the second Brandon is off. Will be nice to be all home.
I am not sure how I will entertain the big kids while he is working!
So spring is almost here...and things are looking up.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Friday, February 12, 2010

Go Canada!!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Rough start

Since Liam's birth, he has been in hospital for 2 sets of antibiotics. he was in the NICU 5 days from and infection, and just last week was in for an absess. I am so tired of being in the hospital.
And my poor little guy has been through enough!
Liam is a tough baby. Once again, he has gas/colic issues which makes it hard.
All he wants to do for comfort is nurse. And he cries a lot.
So things are not so easy around here.
we were blessed having my mil stay with us for a month and help out. I have no idea what we would have done without her.
Brandon has this week off, then next week I am on my own. I am scared!!! lol
I wish he was a content baby.
Oh well, with time he will get better.
we are trying everything for him...chiropractor, medications, and today I am taking him to a naturopath. I just want to try all I can to make him happier.
Sorry for the lack of posts, but as you hear things are not easy.
Here is a recent picture...Liam one month old.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Liam Wesley Jan 7 2010 9lbs 1/2oz

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Last Belly Pics of Baby #3

2 more sleeps

And Yes I am nervous!
Sleeping is bad enough, but now my mind is racing!
I am so happy I will have help for the month of January, but after that I am scared lol.
Oh well, I will just need to take it as it comes and do the best I can.
I am ready to have baby out of me, and get my body back! One that does not hurt so much.
this heartburn is awful!
Brandon as been great the last couple of days. he has been stay at home
he says he does not know how I do it, but he is doing great.
AND I think the kids listen to him better! hehe I guess they like having him around :D I won't take offense ;)

Today I am going to cook up a few meals for the freezer to help out. I will be in hospital a few days and MIL will just be getting settled...
it's either that or take out every night lol.

Well wish us luck with arrival number 3. I pray all goes smoothly! I can't wait to see if I was right with my gut feeling on this being a little girl...or so wrong and it be a boy lol.

Friday, January 01, 2010


Happy New Year!
For us, the beginning will mark the third baby to our family. Only 6 more days to go.
I soooo want the baby out.
I have never made it this far in a pregnancy and I HURT.
I get maybe 5 hrs of sleep broken a night....I would rather have a baby here being the reason for the lack of sleep lol.
I have been having more contractions on and off. But, that could last days. I would just prefer to deliver on the 7th to have my OB.
So 6 more days it is!!

We had a very quiet new years eve at home...heck I was the only one awake at midnight lol.
Tonight the kids are spending the night at grandmas and we are going for dinner and a movie. Last chance to get out!

Brandon and I bought (finally) stuff for our home gym. Of course my new years resolution will be to lose this baby weight! So, I requested a treadmill, as I did lots of running before to lose the weight....I still hate running, lol. but will do what works ;)
Brandon wanted one of those total gym system that does it all. so we found a super deal on both, (nice treadmill like the gym has!)and they will be arriving in a couple weeks.
we need to move around our office to make room for it all, but its worth it. home gym and sauna will do me wonders :)
guess the hot tub will be waiting yet one more year ;)

Wishing you all the best in the coming year :D