Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oh what to do...

The calls from worked have slowed down this was ok during the first couple weeks of july when we went camping, but now its not so fun. I need to work!
I am so glad I have enough prebooked shifts in august.
But, at the end of sept. I will no longer be on surgical (no more LPNS) so I need to find somewhere else to work. sigh.
it would be so nice to find something part time. and close to home.
so the hunt begins once again.

One piece of good news is my college asked if i would be interested in teaching part of the exam prep classes for the sept. group. I was so happy!
I had suggested to them what I thought would be more beneficial, and I guess they took the suggestions but would like me to help implement them. I cant wait! I hope this means if it goes well they will ask me to do more ;)
So begins the road of me teaching....that is my long term goal. :)

The weather is still so nice here. All sun and no rain. Such a nice July so far! I hope it continues.
The kids and I went to pick some raspberries today. yum. Now we just wait for the blueberries to be ready!

That is about all from me. I hope I can find some more work....before I go on maternity leave...oh wait need to get pregnant first...better go work on that lol

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little Black Dress

Its nice to wear a size medium again :)

It has been so nice and hot here lately. I love it.
I am back to work. I am not loving it as its night shifts. I really hate them. Unfortunately as a nurse they are the reality :(

We are off to my parents today for a bbq. Its my moms birthday this week and my parents anniversary.
Brandon is back to work today as well. Holidays are over for us, its back to the real world of working and not seeing eachother lol.
Oh well, work as much as I can now. You never know when number 3 will be on the way ;)

Have a great week!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well I weighed myself this morning after breakfast, just to make sure I had not gained weight from camping lol.
I have well passed the 10 pds lost mark! YAHOO.
I think I am around 12-13. :) (and 12 inches all over)
I guess thats why even my size 1o pants fall off hehe.
I am wearing a size medium top again. But refuse to buy pants. I want to be smaller, so I will wait :)
Hey, all these big clothes can be maternity clothes now right :)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Boot Camp before and after...So far...

Now Then

There is only one pic I could find that showed my full body. Looking at it now I say EWWW. wow, I was chubby lol.

And this other pic was taken a couple days ago, as someone asked me for a before and after.

SOOO this is what 8 weeks of bootcamp can do :) (10pds and 12 inches all over) I can really see it in the face!!!
just about done month 3...and i continue on my journey to skinniness ;) or until I get pregnant, then it will be toned down and done so as little weight as possible is gained :)