Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh what a night.

I did my first night shift last night. And I must say I am still not a fan of staying awake all night lol.
At least at this place there isnt much to do. I just do bed rounds every 2 hrs or so. So easy money right lol.
Next week when I start at the hospital in orthopedics, that night shift will be different. I am sure there will be more action. I am not looking forward to the fact that it is going to be 12 hrs ewwww.

But, I am excited to start a new specialty of orthopedics. I know little about bone surgerys, tractions and casts. And that I will finally get the whole experience as an LPN taking a full patient load doing meds and all.

I think for a new grad I am doing great. Having a job in three different areas, getting experiece in surgical, medical, orthopedics and mental health. This will be a bonus for when I one day go back and teach. The more areas I have experience in the better. :)

I am still studying away for my licensing exam. I cannot wait for it be be over with...AS long as I pass hehe. So my life has been work and studying. I am glad things are going to slow down after tonight. i should have a few days off and only have 24 hrs scheduled next week (so far lol)
I am been feeling a bit under the weather, and I think I am just worn out. I need some days to relax and play with my babies.

I need to get some new pics. I think its been awhile since I even took one. :( I think the next sunny day I will go to the duck pound and get some new ones.

We are looking forward to Grandpa Hunsickers visit soon. I cannot remember when the kids saw him last....they were excited when we told them.

I better head off to work...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Its been a crazy couple weeks! I have been working almost every day.
I started at the new job as a casual. It is the 25 bed mental health facility. I have to say I was really nervous my first 2 days, but today I had my 3rd day and I am starting to get the hang of it.
It can be intimidating at times, but overall I think this job is going to teach me a lot.
When I work, I am in charge. I hold the keys and do the meds....and if something bad should happen, I am who they come to! EEEEK
This is what makes me nervous, but what a great opportunity. This will help me gain confidence in my practice. I love the staff, and love more that meals are provided :)
I just for off working 17 of the last 24 hours. I had to do this last week and it just about killed me.
And now I am paying for it. My throat is sore! I am working thursday and saturday too. I hope I am not too sick!!

At surgical the other night, I was involved in my first emergency. A patient starting to bleed out. It was crazy for a few hours and I missed my break. I noticed for sure my confidence is lacking....I am not surprised at all...I know with experience that comes. But, I got a lot of thank yous for what I did do....

So work is going great. I have lots of it :) I already have 7 shifts in May and 14 in June prebooked...I need to make time to study too!!

The kids are doing great. They make weekly trips to visit their new friends with Rose. It is so nice. I really want to keep rose for two years so she can get her landed status. BUT I do want another we will need to see if we can somehow make it work. It has been a real blessing being able to work, and not come home and clean house lol.
I love coming home and cuddling on the couch with my babies!!!

Well that is about it from here :)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Workin Mama

I have done two shifts this week, and another one tonight. I have to admit my first day I did feel a bit rusty, but it is all coming back to me :) I am loving being back at the hospital, and I still love the surgical unit. I see so many cool things...well cool to me, Brandon seems to get grossed out when I tell him hehe.

I have some other good news, I got another job. I had an interiew on wednesday, and was offered the job friday when my references came back. I already knew after the interview that I had the job.
It is is a 25 bed mental health facility. It is a nice and small facility compared to the hospital. I was a little nervous at first, not sure if I would like mental health. But, after the interview and hearing about the job, I thought I would like to give it a try.
I am starting as casual. but may take a temporary part or full time line...we will see.
My job their would be me in charge, and I would have 2 care aides working with me. I would do medications and they would do care. She told me it was a pretty relaxed job, as the residents are independant. AND meals are provided! the staff has meals together as they have a full time cook. Now, all these perks could I really say no?? lol
So I will start next week some time with the paper work and orientation.
I think it is a great experience to have. It is not often you find LPN/RN in mental health as usually it is physch nurses. This will be great to add to my experiences...I will have various specialties under my belt!
In a couple years, I still want to go back and teach. Again, working in mental health is a great asset. :)
I will be casual at 2 different places, so I will get enough work I think. I may as well work as much as I can while having a full time nanny.

The kids and I are going to a birthday party this afternoon. I have to leave early as I work at 330. But it will be nice to get out.
Thats my weekend update. busy times for us!!