Sunday, February 11, 2007

15 degrees

That was how warm it was yesterday. And sunny.
The kids were outside riding bikes! It was wonderful. I think we all needed the big dose of sunshine.
Spent the morning at YMCA. Arianna made heart cookies in her cooking class and then had swimming lessons.
I got to run on the treadmill while James was at playgroup.
It was nice!

Today is my dads birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!
we are going over there this morning for breakfast.
Then I will be making turkey dinner for him.
We will also celebrate Mairas birthday, as hers is tomorrow.

I am also going to hit a art sale this morning after I get to my parents.
Its a huge clearance. Everything under $99. And even says there will be Robert Bateman work!
I love him!

Should be another nice day...this time in the rain.
Hope you are having a good weekend!