Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Me and My License

I am just a tad bit proud. This is what my interim licence looks like, a little piece of paper...I am going to get it laminated :)
Arianna woke up puking today...3 times since 5 am. Then by lunch she was all better....hmmm very odd.
I am getting better, slowly. I still have this terrible cough...just ask Brandon as he was awoken by it many times last night....
he was dreaming, woke up and asked if something was it was me coughing. He was half out of it anyways...LOL ;)
My speech is really done now. Heard back from the school. They had a few grammar changes (does it matter for a speech?) lol. Besides that I was told it was impressive.
And asked for permission to use the speech for marketing purposes. I guess they want to use it on the website, newsletters, news papers...etc.
wow...I dont really know what to say to that. I am very modest when it comes to my work.
The speech was based on generic experiences, but I did find some quotes and ispirational messages to use..and other motivational words. I think it worked out well, was only around 5 min (so I wont bore everyone to death) and I added a bit of humor.
well the nanny is off now...time for mom to take over :)


cathy said...

Congrats to you!!!