Sunday, March 09, 2008

It's a start

I somehow managed to lose 2 pds, even though I only managed to go running 3 times. I have been sick for a week now, and there is no sign of this thing letting up. Its a bad one. Its mostly in my chest, throat and makes exercise very hard.
My eating is good, so at least that is something. I have gone a week NO coke lol...I miss it
We didnt do too much this weekend. Rose was off, she was gone all weekend somewhere too.
We did go out today and buy me a new bike. And we went for a family ride. It was nice :)
Next week (when costco gets them back in stock) we are getting one of those bike trailer/double jogging stroller things. Its a super deal and will make longer bike trips fun for the kids. Right now they get tired, and I would like to use my bike for exercise too.
Well, I pray I hear from someome this week.
This month is expensive otherwise, as I was supposed to be working in order to pay Rose. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!
I still cant believe I was first to get a job...but have not started to work. And now others are getting work and will probably start before me!
Friday is my graduation. I will need to practice my speech and get some cofidence to read it in front of 1000 people.
Well thats it from here.
Time to head back to the couch with my box of kleenex.