Friday, December 08, 2006

I have been putting together some christmas crafts for my last craft sale of the year. It is tomorrow at murrayville hall again (langley ladies come see me!)
I made some santa cookie mix in a jar and snowman soup in a cellophane cone. they are super cute. I am proud of how well they turned out. I took some pics, will post them when I get a chance :)

I will be at the sale tomorrow from 9-10 and 1-3. I have to skip out for a couple hours to take the kids with brandon to breakfast with santa at his work. It should be fun! My soon to be SIL Mayra is going to take over for me and stay with my mom. She is such a sweetie!
Hopefully it is busier and I sell some more.
I will have 4 nursing necklaces and a pile of baby shirts from my website for super cheap!

Tomorrow after the sale there is an open house at my brothers. We will stop by for a bit but wont stay too long. I am sure I will be pooped.

I still need to wrap the kids presents. I cant stop shopping for them either. I went to gymboree 2 times this week. Spent over $100 (BUT for $50 in gymbucks LOL) I got good deals. the jammies were on 2 for $25. so I had to go! lol

well time to get to the laundry and make sure all is prepared for tomorrow.
ta ta for now.