Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Queen of the...

Catheters. Yes, that is me.
I am so good at the female one, I tell ya, I always get it on the first shot...hehe
Something to be proud of in the nursing world.
As you know, the female anatomy is quite complex ;)

I am really enjoying my 8 hr line.
Its so busy the day goes so fast.
I love going to work. It is a chance for me to socialize with coworkers (I have made GREAT friends), have some me time doing something I am passionate about, and being able to make a difference.

Nursing may be a dirty job...literally...but it is rewarding.

I have seen many deaths since starting at Delta, I am really shocked at the number actually, but it is no longer something that leaves me an emotional wreck.
I had a HARD time the first few...I mean I would cry just as much as the family.
But now, I have learned to deal with the emotions in a different way.
It will always be sad, but my job more importantly is to support the family. And I feel I have grown in a way that I am able to do that. I am stronger.
I always say a prayer for the person who has passed....
What makes it easier, is most the time the person is reaching the 90s or older! And I grew to know them over the time at the hospital. And most lead fulfilling lives. I am happy knowing life was good to them, and they no longer need to be here and suffer.

Ok enough on that....I just wanted to share that this is one area I have really grown in as a nurse.

I love my job and would not trade it for the world....
But, being a mother comes first. And if my family needs me I am here.
When a coworker called in sick today as he daughter was injured at school. She felt bad, and I just said to her. Family comes first. And she said OK. She knew it too, but its nice to hear it from someone else.

I have been thinking more and more about one day finishing my RN. Maybe its been the praise I get at work from other RNs telling my how good I would be lol....
But, I think if I do, it would be to work in maternity.
We will think about that once all the babies are done.

I know a few other friends who are pregnant.
Due around the time I was.
More lately, my heart is aching. I really wish it didnt happen.
I really want to be pregnant.
The age gap is big already...and getting bigger :( sigh.

Well, time to get the kids ready for bed.
I have a few days off now.
And Alyson, Brandon and I are headed to the Vault friday evening. Thank you :o)