People keep postings these notes on facebook, about random things people may not know about them. So, I figure I will share the same :D
- I am considering finishing my RN. Once I am done kids that is. I really see myself working in labor and delivery one day. It is my dream.
- I have a newly pierced nose and belly. (Belly has been done a couple times before). If there was more "girly" piercings to get done, I would get them. No tattoos...yet lol. I need to be REALLY sure before that happens...and I do not know if I ever will.
- I have lost 30 pds since last may. I stopped exercising in Sept. and only gained 3 pds back. I am 149pds now, only 9 away from my goal. There, I said my weight. As of this morning that is what it is. AND I am proud to say I am ten pounds LESS then hubby. YAY!
- I am trying for baby number 3. No luck since we miscarried in October. I have had 2 previous c-sections and am going to do whatever I can (safely) to not have one. Once I am pregnant am going to see a midwife and find an OB that is supportive. If its not safe, then ok...but I have heard many people successful. I wont give up until told otherwise.
- I suffer with sciatic pain daily in my left leg. Ever since being pregnant with James. I have gone to see drs. but nothing was found to help me. It's terrible to have to deal with. The pain shoots from my bum, down my leg.
- I do not like alcohol. I drink the occasional fruity drink, but otherwise the taste I do not enjoy lol. Well, once I have a few they go down easy ;)
- I still cook almost all meals at home. If I am not working an evening, I will be making dinner. I love to cook, and like to think I am good at it. I do not believe in recipes, I mostly get inspiration off cooking shows.
- I love to paint, although this has not happened the last couple of years. I am determined to finish Arianna mural for the time we paint the kids room. Soon enough she will be too old for her enchanted forest mural ;)
- I love make-up. I will not leave the house without it. And Brandon is the only one who will see me without it, and even then I am embarrassed lol.
- I am a big flirt (did you know?). Hey, it gets me free coffee!! (right honey?!) lol...hey, at least I am honest and hubby knew what he was getting into when he married me ;)
- I was born 4 weeks early. After a car accident, I had an xray on my back and they found one of my vertebrae had never closed all the way. I get back pain a lot from it. I use a heating pad daily.
- I have very poor circulation in my feet. You will never catch me without socks and slippers on, or my feet freeze!!!
#5 is where my future hubby comes into play...go see him would ya! I tell ya, i dont ever get headaches anymore, and he will do wonders for your back :) B must have good least try it out!
love the scubs.
Fun list.
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