Thursday, September 07, 2006


Yup, thats been me the last few days.
I am going to the docs this afternoon....more of a female issue though.
As for being sick I think I had food poisoning or something. It was awful!

I seem to be mostly better now, thank goodness.
But it seems like I have got nothing done the last few days LOL
I am looking forward to tomm. as I am going downtown for lunch with my friend...kid free!!

I got a email (finally lol ) from a friend back in Beaumont (HI TRACY!) It was nice to hear from her and here about her life. Last time I saw her she looked awesome, and now she is telling me she is running 10K 3 times a week.....sigh, I am sure she looks even better hehe...
and here I am working my butt off with little results...I dont get it!
Good Luck at Timmy's Tracy!

Today I am dropping the kids off at my dads for nap while I go to the docs. I assume we willbe there til after dinner. Brandon is working an evening shift anyways.

Last night Brandon told me he wants to go on a vacation...somewhere beachy! YAHOO
Not sure when and IF it will happen, but it is nice thinking about it! he has time off October, Jan and Feb. He wants to go to a SANDALS resort...or a disney cruise (good child care ;) )

Well I better run. Wish me luck at the docs. I need to get my BC issue sorted out!!!!
