Monday, September 04, 2006

Congrats to my SIL Allyson!

She is expecting baby #3!!
It has been expected for awhile, I am so happy for you that it has finally happened!
She has 2 little girls at home, I am hoping for a little man for her this round :)
I have to say I am jealous...hehe
I would really love to have another baby...maybe by the time her little one is born LOL
We had our last babies on the same day! How cool is that!
Our due dates were 4 weeks apart. Her Erin came out a week over due and James came out 3 weeks they have the same bday!
I wish they lived closer though :(
All the best in this pregnancy Allyson. I think you should start a blog to keep me updated on it ;0)


cathy said...

Oh that is exciting! Your turn will come Andrea! It will.

Carol Kerfoot said...

Hey good looking! I'm glad to see you blogging!

Andrea said...

Yes I know Cathy...but I am getting impatient LOL.
My FIL called tonight and asked if the race was on LOL...meaning having a baby now too. NOPE!
I would love too...Hubby NEVER. Not until the diapers are less...James will be 2 next month. and maybe by next summer he will be potty trained (or at least well on his way)