Thursday, November 05, 2009

Drs Visit

Well, he says its the H1N1, which we figured. we have all the symptoms.
Arianna is on day 6, still fevers, cough, sore throat.
No vomitting, that was just once.
James day 3, fevers, cough, sore throat and DOUBLE ear infection. he is on antibiotics.
Arianna is fighting it great on her own. her color is good, no breathing issues.
the longer she fights it, the more immune she will be.
Me, I started tamiflu so I dont get more then just this head cold. I feel it getting worse, but no fevers yet. I did vomit this morning. took the first dose of tamiflu, lets hope it helps!!

So, here we are few weeks into flu season and we get it!!
dr said to make sure to get the shot. we are scheduled to get it monday. hopefully all is well by then!!!
brandon somehow has stayed healthy lol...
he was off 2 days thank goodness, so I could rest.
but back to work today. its going to be a long weekend.
the kids are out of school until at least tuesday.

just thought i would give an update.

oh yes, my camera has broken. there will be no pictures :( until we get a new one. so sad.