Sunday, February 24, 2008

I did hear back...

I guess I am insane...or just nervous.
I got an email back just saying as soon as I get my registration number from my interim license, I can call recruitment and they can hire me. I should have that next week, then I will call. If all goes well, I will start orientation around March 11. So we will take it as comes....One step at a time and try not to stress.
In the mean time, I am looking at other opportunities. I may have an interview for a facility opening in June 2007. It would be nice to be casual in more than one place...just in case the hours are slow at one place I can pick up at the other.
I am officially done at my was a bit sad for me, as the college has brought many good things my way. We have graduation March 14th I need to prepare for.
I have started making ideas for my speech. I will start a rough draft soon. I am not sure if I am really good at doing something like this or not....we will see!
We are interviewing a nanny on tuesday, I hope she works out and we get the good feeling. so far we have been too slow to respond the nannies get scooped up and hired by others. I will need some starting march 11. at least then i know that i will have money coming in to pay things back...
The kids spend hours a day outside now that the weather has been around 12-15 degrees and sunny. the backyard is amazing. we have squirrel friends that come to visit...the kids are enjoying it.
I am off for a couple weeks, not sure what to really do with myself...apparently I need to be getting the nanny room ready...there is wallpaper half ripped really is pretty hehe.
I am sooooo happy to be done school though. There is nothing now I HAVE to do (well besides writing a speech and studying from my licensing exam lol) it will be nice to do more things with the kids....and feel like a MOM again...sometimes I didnt.
Having a nanny will let me work, plus take care of household it will let me spend more time with the kids.
Well thats about all from here....we are off to canadian tire...I want a crochet set for the backyard and some storage benches...