Tuesday, April 10, 2007

wanted to share

My first mid-term of this program and I got 99%.
I am so proud of myself.
I am able to still do all the things at home like clean, cook and spend time with the kids...and I am able to study well.
It is a great accomplisment.
I am not sure how long these great marks will last, as I had a HARD midterm yesterday, but either way it is a nice way to start :)

AND I was voted class president! I was so honoured!
It may mean I am valedictorian at our graduation, and have to write a speech...but it is well worth it :)
I get to attend school meetings on behalf of my class and other things.

It was a great day!

I am feeling better, but still not 100%
I better go I have a test friday and there is a basket of laundry sitting here beside me :)



Tracy said...

Way to go. Good luck on your next test. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a little bit better even if it is not 100%.

Deanna said...

Congratz on the test!