Friday, April 20, 2007

Another week

Yay it is going by sooo fast. It is kinda scary to know in a month I will be on my first practicum.....
It was a great week overall. I had 2 midterms which I think I did well on.
I have also made a new great friend in the class. We are partners in a project. He is one of two guys in the class. we sit on oppposite sides. but we are great together.
we have developed a nice friendship which started with him opening up to me about some problems he was dealing with. now we help eachother out. It is the perfect compliment for eachother to well in school. I just feel more relaxed now.

I attended my first council meeting. It was nice :) I like feeling like part of the school. And being a leader in class.

Tonight is date night, and kids sleep over at grandmas. it turned out that way cause I had asked them to watch the kids for me tomorrow so I can do projects. But they were so nice and offered to let me sleep in too.

So we are going to a dinner and movie. I need this break.
And I think Brandon and I need some time together.

He is back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. It was nice having him home a bit more, even though he was at the airport a lot too.

Tomorrow is project today. I have a couple people coming here probably. I have 2 group projects to finish up.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am really looking forward to mine!!!!!!!!!



Alyson said...

There is a website called

They list mom based websites. Obviously I'm talking about BoobyBuddy. Anyway you should check it out!!