Monday, September 28, 2009

It's cold time

Since being back in school the kids have brought home 2 different colds now. The one they have this weekend comes along with a killer cough. they sound like barking seals.
I was lucky to stay up with James from 3-4 am last night...the cough would not stop!
I am happy we have a pro-d day here today. One more day to get better.
If not, I think I may need to keep them home another day. the cough is bad!
We made it through our first full busy week.
Arianna started hip hop class. She had fun. It is at a local community center, so nothing too fancy. I think she will be switching to ice skating in the new year anyways...but it's cute to see.
I finally found my baby stroller! Yay. I wanted the most compact one I could find as my mazda 5 trunk is tiny. Well, this one fits.
It was a higher model then the one I looked at first, but the perks of it were better.
I can switch the baby around to be facing me...great for when they are little!
I will post a pic of my new cadillac :D
A quiet day here for us, as the kids recover. Guess I will clean....
ice skating tonight, and brandon is back to work. I am on my own this week!!