Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Yes, My hair is BLACK

No intentional, but I am now sporting some raven colored locks.

Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you are going to color your hair at home, then make sure you check the color toner bottle to make sure it is the color you want.

Somebody thought it would be funny to play with the hair dye boxes and swap some colors around.

Instead of the light brown I was after...I am now jet black.

And I have to wait at least a month for a fix.

I will enjoy the one month (not really) of my life being black haired lol.

I apparently look younger, mysterious, foxy....comments so far haha.

And here is a pic!

(the top may look brown..dont be fooled its the light...I am black as night haha)


Stacey said...

It looks really good on you!

Smiley Eyes Photography said...

YES you do look younger and good to see you posting again...I stalk you daily!