Friday, June 20, 2008

Its been that long?

Wow since June 3rd since I updated. I really do not know where the time has gone!
I have spent most of it at work! But the busy 2 weeks are over and now it slows down. I will be taking 10 days off when my mother in law comes. I cannot wait:)
We have booked camping for 4 nights in the island. A nice river/beach front campsite overlooking the ocean. (Its where the river meets the ocean) and its full of big trees.
I have to admit I am not a camper...but am doing this for the kids lol. I had to make sure it was high class camping. This place is beautiful, private and has showers ;) Oh and a cafe!

I finished my 8th week of bootcamp, I am proud to say I lost another 7 inches (spread out all over not in one place lol) I think I am down one clothing size at last. phew.
I am gaining muscle, and losing the fat so the weight has only gone down a few more pounds but thats ok! I am doing it another 4 weeks.
I did all my fitness testing and improved a lot on the exercies. I am happy!
My goal for this month is to keep up the healthy eating BUT increase my water intake. some days I really slack on that. Truth be told I hate having to pee so much lol..especially at work. But I know its important. So starting monday I will get my 8 glasses a day :)

My hair is still black. And fading. And not fading nicely lol. I cant wait to get it fixed. But I need to save some money first. its gonna cost me big time!

Work is still going great. I love it! I love the orthopedic unit more then surgical. I find its better team work and I feel like a real nurse lol. I have met some amazing patients, who I plan on keeping in contact with. They are the ones that appreciated my care so much to express it.

This one patient has alzheimers and can be aggressive. Over time he grew to love me, never was aggressive. I always gave him proper care and spent the time he needed me to. Even if I was busy, or on another nursing team, I would always go and see him. He just happened to be the father of a famous news anchor here in the city. His wife was there daily and told me how much she appreciated it. She told his doctor, other nurses and I even overheard her tell the physiotherapist. She even told me she will not let my work go unoticed. Wow. I felt so amazing!

My other patient was a 23rd yr old guy. broken bones. He was in so much pain, having a lot of pain meds. He was out of it for a day, enough to hit on me lol. The next day he remembered things and told his aunt. She told me he told he that he thinks he was hitting on me lol. So the rest of the day I made sure to tease him about it lol. He is young, and actually reminds me of my younger brother. we just got along so well. joking around all the time. Again, his family was appreciative for what I did for him (I cannot talk about some things on here) that they told me I AM ONE OF THE NURSES THAT A PATIENT IS GOING TO REMEMBER.....
wow. I guess its true. you remember the ones that would not good at all, and the ones that were beyond good. I am so proud to be the good one ;)

Those are my 2 experiences lately. It really keeps me going. I know I may not be an RN. But I feel I am doing an exceptional job as an LPN.
I am not sure if I mentioned in my previous post about going to talk to 3 LPN classes at my college? or that the LPN coodinator told them they me see me back there one day? TO TEACH and at first help as a lab instructor. I cannot wait and was so happy to hear here say that!! Many doors may open for me :)

Well I better go. Need to get the kids ready for bed. they do go to bed later now. 830-9 or so. BUT they also sleep in til 8 or 830.Have to say I like that !!
We are headed to a small airport air show tomorrow. Should be fun! I will take some pictures.


Smiley Eyes Photography said...

What campsite is it?

I love your dark hair !!

Glad you are doing well !!

Love you !