Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh what a night.

I did my first night shift last night. And I must say I am still not a fan of staying awake all night lol.
At least at this place there isnt much to do. I just do bed rounds every 2 hrs or so. So easy money right lol.
Next week when I start at the hospital in orthopedics, that night shift will be different. I am sure there will be more action. I am not looking forward to the fact that it is going to be 12 hrs ewwww.

But, I am excited to start a new specialty of orthopedics. I know little about bone surgerys, tractions and casts. And that I will finally get the whole experience as an LPN taking a full patient load doing meds and all.

I think for a new grad I am doing great. Having a job in three different areas, getting experiece in surgical, medical, orthopedics and mental health. This will be a bonus for when I one day go back and teach. The more areas I have experience in the better. :)

I am still studying away for my licensing exam. I cannot wait for it be be over with...AS long as I pass hehe. So my life has been work and studying. I am glad things are going to slow down after tonight. i should have a few days off and only have 24 hrs scheduled next week (so far lol)
I am been feeling a bit under the weather, and I think I am just worn out. I need some days to relax and play with my babies.

I need to get some new pics. I think its been awhile since I even took one. :( I think the next sunny day I will go to the duck pound and get some new ones.

We are looking forward to Grandpa Hunsickers visit soon. I cannot remember when the kids saw him last....they were excited when we told them.

I better head off to work...