Sunday, September 30, 2007

strange picture...and james hehe

I took this pic of the kiddies and james looks like a ghost hehe.

And the other one is my little man...being a ham for the camera.

And me...with a bit darker hair.

Hard work

Once again I have little time to spend updating.
Term 3 is in full swing and its the hardest yet. I am working as hard as I can to stay ahead and study hard. This term will really prepare me for the LPN board exam.
The tests are supposed to be really hard this term. oh yay.
So once again my life becomes school!!!
James is birthday is coming up fast. He has a date with grandma to go downtown to build a bear and make his own creation lol.
Arianna did the same thing...she did a princess bear...
I wonder what James will pick...hehe
The kids got up way too early today. Arianna made her first appreance at 5!!!! yuck.
The weather here has turned to winter..which means rain, I think we even have a rainfall warning for today. Good day to study and playdoh for the kids :)
Still no word from the bank. Application still pending. I wonder if that is bad news....
Yes Marie, its crazy the amount daycare costs!!!
Tracy, send me your blog link again please. It is nice to hear from you. I want to hear about the new baby!! And life with boys!!! hehe

Well time to make some breakfast. A rainy sunday calls for bacon and eggs :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kids before walmart pics


Well I finally finished James train on his wall hehe. I just kept putting it off. So now I finish it, just in time to sell the house! I figure having it finished would be a better selling feature :)

I am back to school on Monday. For my third and final semester! YAY! I am glad to be almost done the book work part. It is hard to get back into the reading again. I went to the bank on friday to see if they will extend my loan, as I did not get enough to cover it. Day care is costing a lot on top of other expenses. I should find out monday if they will give it to me. If not, I am not sure what I will do. I may need to find another bank :(

We are going to be talking to our realtor monday night about moving. I really want to make it happen before Arianna starts school, which is less then a year now...eeeeek.

I hope we can find a good house we will be happy in for a long time.

It was our 5 year anniversary yesterday. Brandon surprised me with a lovely 3 diamond necklace (the past present future ones). I was spoiled, the diamonds were big hehehe. thanks hun! We went out for a nice dinner too, The biggest pasta dishes we have had ever. there was enought to have for dinner tonight too!

Well back to my organizing...need to be ready for listing our place ;)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I'm going to miss Grandma

this is what Arianna just said as Brandon left to take her to the airport.
We all enjoyed the visit. Did lots of fun things :)
Now the kids are both throwing up for me :)
I hope it passes soon!
We are having a lazy day at home. Both kids are back in their PJs. I guess I will start doing some pre reading from school! I have the next week off, I am sure it will fly by though.
I have the whistler pics, I will get those up later.

Thanks for everything Grandma, we had a great time. Come back soon!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

few more beach

update- I know its been a long time

I think the 6 weeks in extended care really took a toll on me! I didnt want to do anything after work but lay around :)
It was overall a great experience. Some highlights were: injections, suctioning of a trach., attempt at catheterization (thats a story in itself...and NO it was not my fault it wouldnt go in haha)
I loved the residents, and enjoyed extended care more then I thought.
There was some drama with students, which sucked. It is so immature at times. I will be glad to be graduated so I can try and avoid that!! That is why being casual is a good thing ;) you can avoid the gossip!!
I have the next 2 weeks off. It is a nice break. This week is almost like my summer vacation...been doing some fun things! We hit the beach, the USA, and are going to whistler for the night tomorrow. I cant wait.
Brandons mom is here. We have had fun going places. The kids love having her here too. She spoils us :)

I am on the verge of getting a cold. yuck. I am trying to fight it off. James also has it...he sure get sick a lot.
James got a new bed (early bday present) It is so nice! he loves it, it has a slide on it haha. He is up in his room a lot now. He is getting so big!! And you can see how small her looks in the bed. But, it was time he got a new one as he was falling out of the other one all the time hehe.

I am getting ready for my third and final semester. I cant believe it! It is going to be a tough one as its surgery, maternity (yay cant wait! ) and pediatrics. I am in school for around 8 weeks and then its back on the job again in acute.
time is going by so fast!!
I need to get this school done, work some, pay some debt so I can have another baby lol...yup have the itch. It happened once James was potty trained.
thats ok I can wait. too much going on now I am easily distracted.

Well not much else new...sorry it took me so long (grandpa H had to call to remind me to update with pics)
I will post more now that clinical is over.

I will have some whistler pics this weekend

Pics-Beach Day and James New Bed