Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Positive

My dad has cancer...yes.
In 4 places.
The good news? It did not start in the it's not as aggressive as having pancreatic cancer (lifespan is 3-6 months)
the cancer he has is less aggressive and slower to grow.
My dads GP says he thinks its more like YEARS for my dad NOT months :D
they think it started in the kidney, from his previous cancer 8 years ago.
I am SO thankful today.
I am thankful for hope today. that God really has helped us out in giving my dad more time.
Granted, I know things can change instantly with cancer. But, I am going on the positive knowing how well my dad is doing.
he will start chemo, 2-4 weeks to even see the cancer clinic, and then they will decide when.
His cancer is not really active at this time, so they may choose to not do anything until he is actually sick.
So even in this terrible summer, I am accepting my dad has cancer and I may only have him for a few years....
but thats years...and that is time to enjoy eachother and continuing to make memories.
Now, lets hope the cancer clinic says the same about dads prognosis....or I will put my foot in my mouth about posting this! lol
But, I am confident right now. And it feels good, so I want to embrace it.

On baby news....we are just about 20 weeks. Half way cooked. And at this time I am in NO hurry to have this pregnancy be over. I enjoy the moving and since I am not sick, it is nice.
I know my sister in law is ready to be done, and I will probably feel the same at 38 weeks....but for now, I am content.
Yes, I am still getting fat lol....but thats ok. I lost the weight before, I WILL do it again.
And come sept. I will be walking back and forth to school 3 times a day. Now thats exercises I am looking forward to.
I bought a cute forest themed crib set....animals I mean,
It has a baby bear, bunny, birds, turtle, owl, catepillar on it I think.
It is a great neutral color combo.
Last night I drew up my mural on paper (and added a deer and squirrel) and I am going to get some particle board to start working on it.
I am excited.
The kids room is getting ready to be painted, so they can move back,
then we set up the nursery in plenty of time!
This is a great way to keep my mind at ease and keep busy...and relax :D