Friday, July 03, 2009

First Prenatal

I had my first official weigh in and fun stuff done today.
I wont even go there regarding my is sickening how big my belly is.
So, my uterus is measuring at 16 weeks when I am 12. Yup 4 weeks bigger then it should be! Umm that explains the size of this belly!!
It took the Dr 20 mins to find a heartbeat...I was freaking...
it was because the baby was much higher then suspected...once again large uterus equals room to hide.
the heartbeat is nice and strong :D
bad news?
My pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) or high blood pressure has returned. After 3 readings the lowest it was , was 137./102
SO off to be referred to an OBGYN.
AND I need to be on medication to try and lower my blood pressure. I go back in 2 weeks to see how it is.
SO another complicated pregnancy, with a csection and if my BP remains high and earlier baby.
so we will take it week by week and see.
I need to relax and nursing may not be letting me....we will have to see.
So I am 12 weeks tomorrow.
I am praying I feel better, as I need exercise. I think I gained 3 pds alone from all the eating out we did this last week!! No joke, I can burn some fat off thats for sure!!!!!!