Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is love....

This is my home made necklace from Brandon for Valentine's day.
I break jewelry too easily...or lose it :(
So, this is what he came up with.
A hand crafted, red painted wood heart with a nice cubic in the middle ;) And look at the nice, heavy, unbreakable chain ;)
This, a homemade, handwritten card and some beautiful roses.....
Is this love or what?!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

High Ho High Ho...

back to bootcamp I go.
I start tomorrow. the last 7 pds :D
here I am brand new size 6 lululemon pants.... yes!!
motivated, I am!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The word of the day...

Warning this is not a pretty word ;)

C. difficile, or Clostridium difficile, is a kind of bacteria that upsets the normal balance of healthy bacteria in the digestive system, causing diarrhea. It often affects people who have been taking antibiotics, especially "broad spectrum" ones that kill a wide variety of bacteria.

We have way too much of this at the hospital. As soon as we know a patient has it, they are put on isolation...where we have to gown and glove if we will come in contact with them.
It is very contagious!!

The amount these people go number 2 is insane! And its uncontrollable....
I would go into the details on what its like, but just hope if you stay in the hospital you never get it lol.
I am tired of the smell. Tired of the clean up! lol

It is something people get AFTER then come into the hospital. How sad is that.
those darn antibiotics are good to heal one thing...but cause this!!

if you want to read more on it, google it :D

On another note, the weather here is more spring like. It is so nice. I think I am done with winter if its not going to snow!
The kids are starting to go and play in the backyard, I cannot wait for the summer when we kick them out all day :D

I am been feeling a bit off the last few days. I think its a tummy bug. I am lucky to eat one meal a day....
I am sure I have lost a few pounds. Not the good way, but oh well.
Bootcamp starts again for me monday.
I am really looking forward to finishing off these last few pds.
Brandon is on vacation for a couple weeks. Not me, I think I work 9 of those days. Ah well. He will be busy renovating the house anyways.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sunny Day

It was a beautful day here today. I had the day off, so I decided it was time to take my little man for a haircut. No point in keeping it long, as the curls are gone...long gone. sigh.
And where did my blue eyed boy go? His eyes keep changing. With the hazel in the middle now, the eyes look green!

So we went the the salon I get my hair done at. Then we headed to pick up a few groceries and I wanted a new pair of dress pants.

And I am sooo excited. I am officially a size 7/8! The 9/10 is TOOOOOO BIGGGGGG

I have been waiting for this day for SO long.

Granted, I am still softer in the middle, and have stretch marks....but I am at the size I was before kids.

I now need to work on toning up. That is what bootcamp is for now. A few extra pounds are ok to lose in my softer areas ;) but its time to tighten up lol.

Today is a great day. I feel so good!

I am getting ready to wear that summer bikini!!!!!

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Some days I get the pleasure of being something called "workload" at work....I am joking about the pleasure part.
I really do not enjoy being this.
This means, I am not on a team, I do not have specific patients...
I just help...answer what is asked of me.
Nice part of it? NO meds and NO charting. You most always leave on time :D

So today, that was me.
I was a nurse (did give a med and did LOTS of care AND another catheter), a porter (had to take one pt to xray and bring another one up from ER) and a unit clerk (entered orders).

To me, it can be boring and heavy work. I do not like that. I would rather have an assignment.

As for the was female....I am so good I had it in by the time the other nurse came in to help me ;) oh yeah, catheter queen shines again ;)
something to be proud of?! I think so ;)