Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Very Sad

I had yet to announce, but we were expecting our third baby.
I found out today, I will be miscarrying. My HCG level did not go up, it dropped by 8. It is a waiting game now.
I am going for an US to check things out. Not sure why is necessary.... And a repeat blood test to confirm.
I am devestated to say the least.
It is so hard sitting here, waiting for such a terrible thing to happen.
At this point I need it to, so I can move on and heal.
We leave for vacation soon. And my dr. did not want me to go in case things go sour. So pray things pass quickly.
This is why I did not want to make it public until I was further along...
but I reach out in support now during this very sad time.
I cried most the day, and had to come to work for a night shift. I am here now, and its been tears on and off all night. Only 2 people at work knew, so I have not shared further.
I really wanted this baby. The timing was just right.
If any miracle happens tomorrow at the US I will share. otherwise keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Love Andrea


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the miscarriage. I'm thinking of you.

Alyson said...

losing a baby....especially when you really really want it is never ever easy...even if it is still tiny.
If you do lose it, it is probably because it was not the right time.
I know that is no comfort when you first find out.
I lost a baby in July and was just as devastated...and I was only a week or two.

such an emotional roller coaster.
let's pray for a miracle.
love you

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers already.
I believe in destiny and there is a reason for everything even though we don't understand it at the time.
We love you
Dad Hunsicker

Anonymous said...

Am soo sorry to hear of your loss Andrea. I had one before Luke. I wish we could say something to help you through this... just know we are there for you...
Thinking of you....

Deanna said...


If you need to chat, just let me know. You and your family are in my thoughts.

~Bonnie~ said...

Im so sorry for you and your family Andrea, I am praying for you. Big hugs