Friday, October 03, 2008

Killer Cold

I have been suffering for a week with a killer sinus cold. I have not been able to sleep at night...the head pounds too much. THANK goodness I had the week off work.
I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth out, but it was more complicated then we thought, and for other reasons it has been put off.

I start my shifts on my own at delta on sunday. I am a little nervous. I hope I do ok lol.
I am more excited to go on vacation lol.
the kids still do not know and we are not going to tell them. I cannot wait to see their faces. :)
I am excited that disneyland will be all decorated for halloween!
We got a suite on the cruise ship. so there will be enough room..and a balcony to sit on!! Thats where brandon is going to sleep ;) The countdown is on. 10 days!! eeeeeeeeek

Other things are going on here...but I am going to wait a bit to talk about them :) Oh no...secrets lol


Deanna said...

Wow, Disney!! AND a cruise!!! Nice!