There is only one pic I could find that showed my full body. Looking at it now I say EWWW. wow, I was chubby lol.
And this other pic was taken a couple days ago, as someone asked me for a before and after.
SOOO this is what 8 weeks of bootcamp can do :) (10pds and 12 inches all over) I can really see it in the face!!!
just about done month 3...and i continue on my journey to skinniness ;) or until I get pregnant, then it will be toned down and done so as little weight as possible is gained :)
Way to go Andrea!! You look fabulous! Keep working hard! You will do it!!
Great job sugar ! It takes great dedication to do that, and most cannot do what you do !
Way to go! So you are looking towards number 3. Best of luck.
Congrats, that takes willpower. Good luck on trying for number 3!
Way to go Andrea, you look awesome!
YOu look amazing Andrea, way to go!
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