Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Boot Camp before and after...So far...

Now Then

There is only one pic I could find that showed my full body. Looking at it now I say EWWW. wow, I was chubby lol.

And this other pic was taken a couple days ago, as someone asked me for a before and after.

SOOO this is what 8 weeks of bootcamp can do :) (10pds and 12 inches all over) I can really see it in the face!!!
just about done month 3...and i continue on my journey to skinniness ;) or until I get pregnant, then it will be toned down and done so as little weight as possible is gained :)


cathy said...

Way to go Andrea!! You look fabulous! Keep working hard! You will do it!!

Smiley Eyes Photography said...

Great job sugar ! It takes great dedication to do that, and most cannot do what you do !

Anonymous said...

Way to go! So you are looking towards number 3. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, that takes willpower. Good luck on trying for number 3!

~Bonnie~ said...

Way to go Andrea, you look awesome!

~Bonnie~ said...

YOu look amazing Andrea, way to go!