Monday, March 30, 2009


At work her have a flu outbreak right now. It is a respiratory one, that is wreaking havoc on the elderly. We have a few rooms that are isolated. That means gown, glove and mask to enter. And the rest of our unit is closed. We are discharging patients that are ready, but we are not admitting new patients. It has been a week so far. they are supposed to reassess on the 31st, but I think we need longer!
So good thing I got my flu shot. The staff that didn't needed to get a prescrption of tamiflu, that costs $55 for 10 days. yikes lol.

I just did 4 days shifts and I am TIRED.
I started to get a sore throat. Boy, it felt good last night to walk out of the hospital and take a nice deep breath of fresh air!!

I am off for a few days at least.
Ariannas teacher wants me to come in a teach them about handwashing.