It has been how many years??
I suddenly have the urge to write again.
So much has happened in my life the last 2 years, some good, some bad.
But I know I don't want to go over the past....just move on with the future and whatever it holds. One thing I am sure of, is that there is a path for me in life to follow. And even when I am unsure of where it is leading me, God seems to know.
In the end, it always works out.
I think I need to remember that lately again. This month has been REALLY hard.
Oh, I have a new job ;)
I am an instructor at the college I went to. I am teaching Health Care Assistants.
I am just about finished my second course, and have had huge success :)
My students are great, and they have really made me feel like I was doing a great job.
I have been loving it.
BUT, sadly home adjusting has not been fun for anyone.
We have not used much daycare and this means the Mr. has changed into all evening shifts. HARD for him and me. We play tag. I come home, he tags me I am it, and he leaves.
I dont know if me going back to work was the right thing right now, with Liam still home.
I have not been happy with how its been going, its taken a toll on everyone.
Maybe I should have waited until Liam was in school....
I have one more course in Jan, and I know I cannot deal with working opposite shifts. I miss my husband and its not healthy for US. maybe for others they can manage, but not us.
Otherwise, I may have to not take any more contracts for awhile.
My family comes first. If it is at risk, then I need to reconsider this.
They way its going, something needs to change before its too late....
Speaking of kids.
Arianna is 10
James is 9
Liam is 3.
I guess its been over 2 years since I have been here lol.
Arianna is in girl guides, James is a REP hockey player and Liam is working on his skating to chase his big brother down :)
Rylan's Injury
9 years ago
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