Thursday, September 23, 2010
Posted by Andrea at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Back to school
The kids just finished their first week back in school.
They are both loving it, and James says full days at school are "awesome". :)
They are not yet in their permanent classrooms, that comes tomorrow. The school has to verify enrolment and all that before they put them in their classes for the rest of the year. Right now they are just places alphabetically.
I have to say I love having them both in school. That annoying half day kindergarten really limits what you can do in a day!!
Liam does way better on a schedule as well. His naps go after morning drop off and after school pick up, so it works great!
He also has been treating me to some real sleep lately lol. He went 730-5 the last 2 nights. I dont expect it to last but I will take it for now haha.
James started try outs for hockey today. I saw the man sitting with his paper scoring them on different things. They have to do this to make sure all the teams are even with skilled players.
I have to say I was nervous that James was going to be one of the weaker ones, because he was when he did his summer camp (he was in an advanced class with kids who had played a year of hockey already), but boy did he surprise me!
He did awesome. He was a strong one!! I guess being with the advanced kids really worked for him!!!
I loved watching him, I cant wait until he is on his team and playing :) :) :)
Arianna has started figure skating. She is having a ball. She has lots to learn, but it will be nice to watch her progression as well!!
Liam is 8 months and still not moving lol. He just sits and reaches lol. Well, he can move, in a circle!! He has no desire to crawl. he makes no attempt even close to it lol. He actually hates being on his tummy. He prefers being upright, jumping, standing or walking in his walker. (backwards only still too lol)
hmmmm. that is about all that is new here :)
Need to take some recent picture :s
Posted by Andrea at 3:04 PM 0 comments