Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hockey Star

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Friday, March 05, 2010

8 weeks

Liam is now 8 weeks. And they have been some of the hardest of my life lol.
BUT, I am happy to say things are getting better.
slowly he is becoming happier and less work lol.
It helps to have the kids and Brandon to help when he is fussy for sure.
He does the same routine almost every night...sleeps 4 hrs, 3hrs, 2 funny.
For 8 weeks old and breastfed thats not TOOO bad lol.
But again, over time I am sure it will get longer.
He is growing like crazy. He has his shots next week, so we will see how big he is. He is in 3-6 months clothes and has been for awhile. My others were no where near his size!
Spring break is here. 2 weeks this year.
The first week I am on my own, but the second Brandon is off. Will be nice to be all home.
I am not sure how I will entertain the big kids while he is working!
So spring is almost here...and things are looking up.