Friday, April 27, 2007

Phew I am so glad this week is over.
I am so tired. The worst it has been yet!
I got to more exams back....a 99% again (why cant I get 100??) and an 88%.
I was very happy!

Next week is the start of presentations. I have 2 group projects and 1 partner one. Yikes. It will be a long week.
I cant believe in 3 weeks I will be on my first practicum as well. I will find out where I will be going next friday I think.

This week was interesting. I had my first lab spot check in nursing arts. Basically you prepare to perform one of the lab skills we learned. You go in one person at a time into the lab with the teacher, and you perform the skill on the dummy, talking as you go.
It is so hard. It is like acting!
very imtimidating.

I picked Catheter care of a male. So I can to do it and talk as I was. It was so hard. I was a ball of nerves!
But I made it through. It just is going to prepare me for the care studies I am going to have to do in a few weeks.

Things at home are ok. I dont really see brandon all that much. It is hard.

I have a docs. appt next week. I am having tummy pain and loss of appetite. I know it is stress, but I need to make sure it is not an ulcer. I have lost around 7 pds so far. I am not complaining. It is nice when your husband tells you, you are getting skinny. hehe
I am well beyond my last belt hole!
I am happy, as I want to get a new bathing suit for Las vegas, and I want to look good in my brothers wedding.

I get a night off and alone tomorrow night. I am staying at my parents while they go out. Yay a day to sleep in!!!!

No other big plans for the weekend, there is always so much work.

hope all is well!!!


Deanna said...

Congratz on the tests!! :D

Tracy said...

I can't wait to see where you will be going. I am sorry that you are not seeing very much of Brandon right now. I hope all is well with your doctors appointment goes well and that you are good and health. Have a good week.