Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Real School

holy crap am I in for it. after 2 days I am already overwhelmed.
what am I doing...
the domestic duties I have to keep up with are going to be the end of me.
I am going to eat, drink and sleep school.

But this is what I want...I have to make it work.
I am sure this is just a starting of school crisis.... hehe

Anyways James has double ear infections and is one grumpy guy.
5 times I was up with him last night.
In my opinion he is not well enough to go on the airplane.
I will feel very sorry for him.
having to fly with 2 ear infections, a cough and cold.
not fun.
but, not only my decision.
we will see......

I am still getting over a sinus infection as well. sick for so long, I am just so tired of it all!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

well dinner is ready, and I need to get it on the table.
have some pics on the camera I would like to share, and will do soon.

short blogs is all I have time for now.
or else they will just be a big bitching session lol.

oh yes, topics of school are rather dry. hehe
looking forward to the next 2 days where we are doing nursing arts :)
